
Sprawdź nasz sklep z kosmetykami opartymi na bazie śluzu ślimaka.


Aspersa Snails International buys snails from its contractors all year long:


  • Snail dimensions: about 23 – 26 mm
  • weight: 6-12 g
  • clean, dried and packed in bags of 5 kg each

Price and payment terms:

  • price per kg as agreed in the purchase agreement
  • possible payment 50% upon supply , the remaining 50% payable up to 30 days.
  • transport to be arranged (we also have our own transport)

Long-term cooperation:

For those interested in long-term cooperation we encourage to sign the agreement to become our contractor. This is the only way to secure and guarantee sale of snails under clear conditions. Please contact us: +48 531-336-053

We also encourage you to take advantage of our offer for first-time growers.

Farm, feed, contracts: 792-515-755, 531-336-053