Key features include: winter hardiness, strong growth, large capacity regrowth, large yield, highly developed root system. Snail farming requires proper preparation – not only theoretical, but also technical. Very important is the presence of vegetation, which serves as a complementary food, as well as a shelter. For a beginner, it will be helpful to indicate what plant to grow in the breeding park, because it is often one of the first problems newcomers face.
Perko Rzepik – a rapeseed variety, extremely rich in valuable protein, works best. Is a plant that does not require special care, and is characterized by; high resistance to adverse weather conditions, which allows it to grow in spring and winter. When we sow Perko Rzepik in the spring, we can expect a green crop at the end of May. If we decide to do it in the autumn, the first crops should be expected in mid-April.
An undoubted advantage is also the abundant leaf mass, growing back very quickly after cutting – all you need is the right amount of rainfall. Flower shoots are not produced in large numbers – especially during the spring-summer sowing period, the leaves dominate. The plant is used to grow snails also in tunnels, where it can be sown throughout the year. It reaches a height of about 30 to 55 cm, which is an advantage in this case – we do not have to be afraid that it will exceed the fence, which could help snails to get out of the farm.
The soil requirements of Perko Rzepik are similar to rapeseed plants, however, a fertile substrate is preferred. In many offers you can find another variety – Agrippa Brachina, which is incorrectly described as ideal for snail farming – it should be borne in mind that this plant will not fulfill its purpose. Optimum quantity needed is 40kg per 1 hectare.
Price 5 EUR/kg