Snail release system

Today we will talk about establishing snail farming in our system of releasing small snails into the fenced plot.
Yes, exactly, you don’t need expensive reproducers, no uncertainty about the necessary conditions needed for reproduction process, no uncertainty about the number of eggs produced. Only one fence, no costs, no hassles!
Why is our system working well?

Every year, we sell approximately 300 million suckling ( juveniles snails Helix aspersa Muller) in various regions of Poland, Spain, Italy and Northern Ireland. Snail breeders who bought suckling from us are located in the following provinces:
- województwo dolnośląskie
- województwo kujawsko-pomorskie
- województwo lubelskie
- województwo lubuskie
- województwo łódzkie
- województwo małopolskie
- województwo mazowieckie
- województwo opolskie
- województwo podkarpackie
- województwo podlaskie
- województwo pomorskie
- województwo śląskie
- województwo świętokrzyskie
- województwo warmińsko-mazurskie
- województwo wielkopolskie
- województwo zachodniopomorskie
Of course, each region has its own specific weather and climate conditions. In general, snail breeders have no easier task in Podlasie (especially the Suwałki region) or Podkarpacie region. First, they place snails in a plastic tunnel and only after the last frosts release them in an open field. In other regions of Poland, breeders do relatively similarly and release snails directly into the field, thus avoiding additional and risky work related to the movement of juveniles. When Perko Rzepik is large enough – about 15 cm high, you can think about releasing snails. Personally, we recommend Perko Rzepik – it grows quickly, regenerates many times, and snails eat them willingly and hide in it.
Interesting fact – how do they do it in Sicily?

Snails are not released until September, because it would have been too hot before. The snails are safe then, they are fed daily and the field is irrigated many times. Usually, farms are covered with a shading net or a special roof to eliminate too much sunlight.
What are the advantages of this system?
Finally, you have control over the number of snails in your farm. You know how many tons of snails you should plan to collect in relation to the released babies. Lower costs are another important factor, no building needed for reproduction! The physical work needed for the snail reproduction process is completely limited. Migrating from tunnel to field is not necessary unless you are from a cold region of Poland. In addition, production time is shorter. You don’t wait for the eggs to hatch, you have time for yourself.
How much time does it take from releasing snails to harvest?

About 3 months – the shell becomes hard and borded, the snails are large enough. How is this possible? First and foremost, feed quality. We recommend AspersaVital +, but you can choose any, just make sure that the proteins, minerals and vitamins used are in good proportions.
Do you have any questions? Write to or call 531-336-053 (also WhatsApp)